
COMET – Competency based Examination with Electronic Assessment

With growing importance of digitally enhanced learning and teaching in Higher Education, digital assessment and examination requirements are shifting into focus. Lecturers must adapt their course and assessment design to the online environment. COMET offers an introduction to e-assessment design principles, tools and methods and seeks to raise awareness for potential barriers and challenges.
This online course combines asynchronous self-study phases (12h) with synchronous sessions using video conference (2h each). Introductory online modules provide an overview of fundamental principles of competency-based electronic assessment. Further self-study modules introduce a range of e-assessment tools and methods from which participants can pick and choose to plan and develop an e-assessment task/item for their own subject area.
During the course participants will formulate their own concerns, questions, interests and select an assessment method for in-depth examination within their teaching/learning context. COMET challenges participants to design a valid and reliable assessment task, select appropriate digital tools and develop assessment criteria for evaluation. Participants will exchange collegial feedback and receive feedback by course leaders.
Participants will be able to:
  • explain the key concepts of and alternative approaches to assessment of learning (summative assessment) and assessment for learning (formative assessment) using digital tools.
  • develop relevant tasks/items for e-assessment within their subject area.
  • select appropriate methods and tools for e-assessment.
  • create precise criteria for evaluation.
Key points
The course covers a wide range of topics that lecturers need to consider and tackle when designing electronic assessment. It addresses key concepts of diagnostic, summative and formative assessment with digital tools such as:
  • constructive alignment of online assessment to learning outcomes
  • ceveloping relevant tasks/items for e-assessment
  • cesign and delivery of e-assessment using a range of methods such as tests, written assignments, e-portfolios, and more
  • harnessing the potential of digital assessment for self- and peer assessment, scalable feed-back processes and plagiarism checks
This workshop will take place online.
  • synchronous sessions on Monday, 4th November 2024, & Friday, 29th November 2024 respectively from 15:00-16:30
  • asynchronous phase from 04.11.2024 to 29.11.2024
2.00 Days (16 AE)
50.00 EUR